Page 282 - 2014 Columbian
P. 282
Caleb. In what seems like t e blin of on eye, you hove
gone from betng on active little boy who we used to ploy
baseball every night n our living roorr~ u; ~. to .uho you hove
become now-a strong, tolen ed. funny, hordwor ing, intel igent.
and very corr~possionote young man with a big heart, whom
has ol:.uoys hod the passion and heart for the game of
You hove rr~ode us so proud and brought so much joy to
ov• hves. We w sh you the bes as you start this new chapter lr-
your life and will always be here for you!
We all love you very much!
Dod fvlom. and fvlichoel