Page 50 - 2014 Columbian
P. 50
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and dom natt>d ... "'e d "tr ct
compet to'"' w .. r an average
of 22 41. a per orma'1ce t~ dt
advarced captd n A~hley Jones
+-o he reg onal com et t10,...,
Captain Chn Sellers (11), leads the Columbia High Tigers through
the fir t mile of the Alligator Lake XC Invitational. He fmi hed the
5k in 19:55.3 placing 74th in the Var ity d1vi 10n.
Left: Freshmen Bernita Brown come through the first mile of
the Alligator Lake XC Invitational in a blazing time of 22:38.23,
placing her in 23rd in the Varsity division and 2nd for Columbia.
Right: Noah Henderson (12), is the proud owner of a pair of neon
yellow and green Saucony racing spike . The e pike took him to
his s a son best time of 19:21.67 in the 5k and 11:33.10 in the 3k.
With the pressure on for his final sea on of High chool Cro
Coutnry, Henderson is happy to say that while he didn't reach his
primary goal of 18:30, he' proud of his performances.