Page 83 - 2014 Columbian
P. 83
f<ight: A hley houp (11), a three year
Vdr ity relur ner for Columbid, tak her
plac on th mound during some of th
team' rno~l important game , mc~king
n <Jppearance at Columbia'~ Idle
charnpion<>hip performance in 2013, as a
sophornor e.
Left: Karndyn Kvi tad (9) i one of the
few fre hman tarters for Columbia'
ar ity team, taking her po ilion at
e ond ba e for ev ry game. Kvi tad <JI o
\hows promise at the plate, with back to
ba k horn run dgdinst Baker County.
Middle f<ight: As with every sport,
Columbia'<> softball team has its traditions
and rituals. B fore every game, the girls
gather in a huddle and recite the chant,
"We ready!" while bounding from the
rrght to left, immediately prior to taking
the field.
Above Lei t. Lauren Eaker (12) is
a three year Varsity returner who
displays her talent both at the plate
and on the field, starting at short
top for the Lady Tlger .
Left: Brittney Morgan (12) tarts at
fir t ba e for the Lady Tlger . Being
left-handed, she' able to tay clo er to
the bag and till cover more territory
in ca e the batter hits the ball her way.
Thi allow h r to help out the pitcher
and her e ond baseman.
f<ight: Three year veteren \tarter,
Caleigh McCauley (12) will play
for aldo ta State Unher ity in
the upcommg season. This sea on
M Cauley tarts in left field and
bat<> seventh in the line up.