Page 106 - 2015 Columbian
P. 106

Juniors won first place with their "Country Bo" skit
                                                                                Keegan Reynolds, Witt Register, Lucas Bedenbaugh, Kaleb Thomas,
                                                                                              Garnier, as Harrison Shubert s

        ro  os to a dance-off. jun1or
       8  s Co  pet1t1on"  an  even cau
       a ph   of 1t  Sophomores
       were g ossed out by htera  y
       ever  hmg  Ewl" and tl,e
       F   'Tlen st-owed the BronCO$
        ow to start the  day nght
        t h a w1nn1ng att tude.  Ot"e'"
       en  rta "ment w  s P'"OVIded by
       s  dent organ Zdt ons such as
       t  CHS Drumltne  nd a Thnller
       VJaeo a,...d dance montage
       c"oreographed by t~'~e CHS
        r ama C ub.  The audtence was

                                                                     2nd Place

           B.J  Wheeler and H  nter Peeler
            performing in the gut bustin
       sophomore skit which placed second.
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111