Page 199 - 2015 Columbian
P. 199

Savannah  Hoffman       Malia Hogue-Pua        Taylor Hollifield       Jacob Holme            Jackson Horne

         Kallie  Horton         Jaclyn  Howard         Alicia Howell         Devin  Huchingson      Mikayla Hudgins

       Alexandra Hvojn1k       Gabrielle Hysell        Naomi Ijames            Malachi Jean          Malik Jefferson


                                             "L1fe   10  what t  r'~..:ns and 90% 1s  how your spond"
                                              Th1s IS the quote that jawan l1ves  by.  During h s freshman
                                            year.  he  made the cho1ce to play  round, and IS  now paymg
                                            for h1s  prev1ous  ehav1or dunng  JS sen1or yea"  f he could
                                              go oack and change one th1ng 1t would be h s lacK of sel'-
                                            diSCI  me throu   e  egmnmg of  is h1gh  S("OO  career  1f
                                            he  ~t1rted out be1ng focused.  t could ha  e made a'"'  lmpdct
                                                or  he arroun  o' .vork  e has ha  o  o to catch up .



                                  My grea est a  I 1evemen  IS work1ng a JOb and keep1ng my
                                  grades ...  at the same tlfTie." Thro  ghout h1gh school,  Mrs.
                                  Chnsty and Mrs.  Nefson have each had a huge 1mpact on
                                 josh's hfe.  Behevmg m himself and  know1ng who to trust  s h1s
                                  greatest strength. Mal<mg fnends IS  the best mef"lory he  as
                                  at CHS. H1s  ult1mate goal1  life •s to F ....  sh co  ege an  o  n
                                  h1s own bus1ness.
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