Page 228 - 2015 Columbian
P. 228
It' hard to believe that our precious baby has grown to be such an amazing graduate. All the
sweat, lack of leep and most of all, all your hard work ha finally p id offi As you take a step
forward into thi new chapter in your life, may it bring you more passion, inspiration and
happinesal Alway remember that no matter where you go or how ucce ful you become,
never lo e faith in God and always be humble. We hope thi quote help guide you through
life' journey :
"He has achieved ucce s who has lived well, laughed oft n and loved much; who ha g ined
the re pe t of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche nd
accomplished hi ta k; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved
poppy, perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who ha never lac ed appreciation of earth b auty or
failed to expre it; who ha always looked for the beat in other and given them the best he
had; whose life wa an inspiration; who e memory a benediction. • - Bessie Stanley
We are SO PROUD OF YOU , baby girllll