Page 267 - 2015 Columbian
P. 267
It is so hard to hcli \ 'C that you arc graduating. \ ou
ha\ c filled 1ny life\\ ith nnH.:h jo~ and so Jllally
pccial lllClllOrics. I f' I '()hi s 'd that c.od aJIO\\'Cd
n c to b ~our 1on1. an l I an proud of the S\\ l.
snwrt, h aut il'ul and strong ~·oun~ lad~ that~ ou
he:l\ e hccon1c.
Dr <Ull. our dr <llllS and rca ·h forth · st·1rs.
(~<>Ilgt·a lttla tions!
I lo\.) ~on. :\lmn