Page 308 - 2015 Columbian
P. 308

"Be1ng a part of the yearbook staff has been a great expenence. ll)ave come a
                                   long way and learned a lot s1nce  freshman year  W  th time,  I have learned most
                                   lf"''portantly to always please McMahon. I have learned how to lay out pages,
                                    sell ads,  and wnte rece1pts.  But be1ng a member of the yearbook staff 1   ore
                                    than that.  To me, 1t's about character and  be1ng a teaf"l player and not   tmg
                                     each  other down. The yearbook staff to me 1s JUSt  like any other team, you
                                      are only as strong as your weakest link, and everyone must work hard to
                                        make our yearbook   u  :e•,s
                                            .. Ashley  Shoup

                                                      "When I first got mto yearbo   an year,  I had no 1dea what
                                                   I was do1ng. What th1s class has taug   e 1s  how to look l1ke you know
                                                  what you·re do1ng, when 1n  reality, you have absolutely no clue what to do.
                                                It's surpns1ng that I actually got some pages done m the yearbook th1s  ye  r ardtna
                                                                  McMahon actually trusted me enough to use
                                                                    •  have '10 1dea what I'M dong,
                                                                 but I know I m domg rt really. rea ly we I.·
                                                                         -Andy Dwwe"

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