Page 324 - 2015 Columbian
P. 324

SHOUT                  AND  T                    ou•s

                      ost, the b•ggest '   .>  vi dll ~oes out to the   y  r   AdviSOr there IS ...  Mrs.  Me   . We know you
               g  s and st e  , but  e love you for all that you put  ·no m  mg our yearbook the best t  at 1t can be. Secondly, thank   facu ty
           a  staff for worK ng   t  our deadlines and crazy schedule  o'  ry1ng to get last mmute mterv1ews and photos. Thank you to all of the wonderful
           p  pew  o sent us D  otos w"'e!l we were scraiT'bhng to get someth1ng on a page; spec1fically SWI Photography, JP Bu'  vant, Sam Russell, Vanessa
           J c  so  Mand  ~ otson W1ll1ams,  Brent Kuy  endall, Jer~ Chasteen,  d everyone who helped. Thank you to Herff Jones (espec1ally our fantaStiC
           rep  sentat ves M1crel•e and Katy) for be•ng our yearbook com  anx. We n ve loved workmg w1th you th1s year and we look forward to workmg
              1  h you  n years to come. Last, we wl"uld  I ke to thank the yearoook staff a  CHS student b"dy for  help1ng th1s yearbook come together.
                                       Hunt  for  Aurasma                           eos

                    beg1n. CHS Yearboo  offe  J  ~  ~                    year         ~.. .... ,'-'-'"''-rasma. After be1ng downloaded to
                   dev ce,  he Aurasma app a ows you to  a ch s"ort chps by fo  ow  g ou  co umb ay<>.1rhn.nlt"   t  and then hovenng your dev1ce
          ov~~~!i;e~ected p"otos. Most v1deos a e  mked to t~e dol"' ,ant photo  a  wo page ~p ead   v deos all throughout the book! We'll
              p"ov de an  "'sert w th "'10re deta ed mstruct ons and almost a  t"e loc  t1ons

                                         FONTS  USED:                ED                       0  S·
                                           BE BAS NEUE - 100
                                        AHJ     1chael  - "2
                                                                                Managmg Ed1tor:  Braxton Treverrow,
                                          AHJ  Chantilly - 8
                                                                            or: Victona Jackson, Busmess Ed1tor·  Heatrer Crawford,
                                         AHJ  Chantilly LH - 10         rts Ed1tor: T1mothy Malfard  Photography Ed tor  Kayhn Ronsonet,
                                                                      es1gn  Ed1tor: Ab1ga1l  Da1ley, Sen or l1fe Ed1tor. Bnttany Hopwood,
                                                                           arket n~ Editor  . Alams Koberhen and M anda Ha I.
                            Don't  worry ... we•ve                                        control ...
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