Page 43 - 2015 Columbian
P. 43
Most people don't know that m the sport of bowhng
there 1sn't JUSt a typ1cal ball that you use when you
go out to bowl w1th your fnends. There are actual
skill bowl ng balls that have different purposes. There
are stnke balls, and spare balls. Stnke balls are used
for the first throw dunng a bowl. Th s ball hooKs
at the end and 1ts purpose IS to get str 1<es. Spare
balls on the other hand, are used for the second
throw dunng a bowl, The purpose for th1s ball1s to
pick up the m1ssed p1ns. Thrs ba! stays stra1ght and
doesn't have any movement. A lo of bowlers on
the team use these types of balls. The gwls te<1d to
have different preferences 1n name-brand, color, and
des1gn of the ball. The balls are custom zed to fit
the1r bowhng style and are we1ghted and made to
sp1n based on how the bowler throws the ball.