Page 125 - 2016 Columbian
P. 125

Jessica Natale    Ahmed Nawaz       Trisheka Nelson   Chester Nordmeyer   Demse Nordmeyer    Mary Parker
       A     A<            Ma  e Sc.el"ce      Geom  try           A-               Ag b a       Cn   Tr   yResear
                                            Geometry Ho  ors    Muvl,  r  Art Cub   ,... gebra Honors
          ~n  ru\.  or
                                                                                 Ad  er  s ate a b

                                                                                         acu  ty

       Derek Patterson    Douglas Peeler      Maci  Peeler
          US  H   >rt      AthletiC D1re< tor   U.S.  Hrstory
         Norld H>u r     Gr. Wetghtil(~ng Coach   u  S. H1story Horor        of th
       Wor'd 1-irstory Honors                Cheer/eodmg Coach                                         year

                                                                    Teaching is

                                                             about building

                                                                    with your

                            Won  I  ,  v  r                           students.
                                                     Students should

                                               have to know that


                                                         about them."
        Andrew Porter      Betty Proveaux
            >paceS  el"ce     Gu dal"ce
         11   er   eyCb       Secretary
   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130