Page 247 - 2016 Columbian
P. 247

Where has the t1me gone? It seems hke , ... st yesterday that you were born and now here you are
                         abo ... t to graduate. As you are a boo.. t to close ore chapter of your  fe .lnd open arother. always
                         remember how much your fa'Tl1ly  loves you. Always seek the Lor-d's w1ll1n  every dec1s1on that you
                         make.  Let your 1/e be a b1ess1ng to others and share tbe love of Chnst witl' those wro cross your
                         pat!". Always remen>ber that your fam1ly w··:  be there for you all throughout you  hfe  We w1sl">
                         you the best as yo ...  beg1n college a~d start tl">  s next prase of your  fe .
                              ... ove you to the moo,.. and bacK"
                                                      Daddy.  Mama,  Megan.  Paoa,  Granny.  GrandfTia
                          Philippians 4: 13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ...
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