Page 255 - 2016 Columbian
P. 255

Dust1  •
   It  1 s so  hard to believe that the years have passed  so qu1ckly and you are
   graduating h1gh  school.  If someone would have told us our son woLold
   accomplish  all  you have, we would never have believed 1t.  We are so
   proud of you and  all  you have accomplished.  We could never have
   1 mag1ned  you would turn out to be the person you have become.  You
   have excelled  1n  not only academ1cs and athletiCS,  but more Importantly
   as a person and  a b1g  brother.  As you take this next b1g  step in your
   life, we know you w11i  succeed 1n  all  you do.  Take the time to enjoy
   what you have done and your next expenences whatever they may be.
                   We Love You,
                              Dad,  Mom,  and Dalton


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