Page 274 - 2016 Columbian
P. 274

To the Haste Dasy,
       From the day you were born all
       the way through today I knew
       you were gotng to be one of
       God's greatest gtfts to any
       parent. I JUSt  happened to be
       that lucky parent. Through all
       the lows and  hrough all the
       htghs, there has always been a
       constant and that is you!
       Conttnue to do what you do
       and that ts,  love God, love
       yourself, and love everyone.
          I love you dearly,

                                                                                                To the most amaztng daughter, I am so
                                                                                                 blessed to have you tn my ltfe. From the
                                                                                                God gave you to me, I knevv you were a
                                                                                                speaal gift You have determtnatJon and
                                                                                                 perseverance that exceeds all expectatJonS
                                                                                                along wrth beauty that radtates tr>temally
                                                                                                and externally. I know you w111 con  nue
                                                                                                grow, learn, and become all that you
                                                                                                meant to be. As you move tnto the
                                                                                                chapter of your hfe, remember you
                                                                                                family that loves you, aclores you. and has
                                                                                                your back always!
                                                                                                    I love you, doodle (Hayeste Dasy)
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