Page 304 - 2016 Columbian
P. 304


                                       MO                        OE


                                                                 Eli, It'  hard to believe that our caboo  e i  graduating.
                                                                 Our chunky boy, our big "E" We have had  uch joy in
                                                                 watching you grow from a little boy  to an awe  orne
                                                                 young man. Thi  i  only the end of a  mall chapter in
                                                                 your life and the beginning of another. We have no
                                                                 doubt that you will accompli  h and  ucceed at
                                                                 whatever you choo  e.  We are  o thankful that God
                                                                 cho  e u  to be your parent  , word  cannot expre  how
                                                                 very proud we are of you.  ever quit, never  ettle,
                                                                 pu  h through and you can achieve anything. We love
                                                                 you all  the way to God!
                                                                 Mom, Dad, Brayden,  avannah, G-Ma &  G-Pa
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