Page 344 - 2016 Columbian
P. 344

New  York

      State  of  Mind

         Columbia  Scho  ast1c  Press

     Associat  on  Conference(CSPA)
               March  16-18,2016
       For the first t me, a group of Columb1a H1gh  School Journalism students had
      the opportun1ty to travel to New York City for the CSPA Spr•ng Conference.
      ( 1) Columb1an Staff rece1ved mformat1on  booklets and  began to p•ck out wh1ch
      workshops they wanted to attend. (2) CHS Staffers and chaperones (Sam
       Russell, Fa1r  Herd and Patty Hetnck) VISited the  Museum of Jewish Hentage,
      where they l.stened to an msp.rat1onal message on tolerance from  Holocaust
      surv1vor Sami Ste1gmann before taking a gu•ded tour. (3)  Braxton T reverrow
      and Wi 1ow Russeii-Martmez demons  ra  ed one of the Columb1an's marketing
      strateg•es w1  h a "M•nu  e To Wm It" game. (4) Amelia Giusti,  Marcus Blalock,
       Makayla Stalvey, G1 berto (Pap1)  Bolanos, and  Hannah  Hetnck take a break
       between workshops. (5) Columb1an staffers and chaperones 1n  Central Park
      and ( 6& 7) at the top of the Rockefeller Center. Who won the Battle of the
      Sexes on the h1gh JUmp? (8) After the gender war everyone turned CIVil  for a
      group photo then. (9) CHS h1t the 1ce at the Rockefeller Center.
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