Page 174 - 2017 Columbian
P. 174
Ups and
Bt;; v o::.; u g g me srarted son ors A ex s Ross
an Stonto~ Mcrlenry prep rect for the r fino
hornecorn ng g me Th s ve r s Homecorn1ng
Game began wrth JROTC Co e Victor Meaga ~"9)
dspo~fng the flag and Chose fu er ~"11) ead the
crow n cheer: ng on the (Jgers to a VIC ory n he
end he T"lger footbo te m handed the F,etcher
H gh Sen rs o g L wtth a fino score of 27 7
1- owever tne foo ba pavers were not the onlv
w,nners hot n ght Dunng ha ftme the 2016
Homecom ng Court w s ntroduced nd sen1or
Amoer Be I was crowned 2016-20111-iomecorn ng
Queen The C ass of 2017 w s named the w, nner
of a t eo1ed homocom ng wook and the c ass
oftcers Kay, a Croft f rth Johnson 1-iunter Pee er
Done a R cker ng ana 0 os Ste-Mar e were
owafi ed the troohv for the th rd vear n a row