Page 186 - 2017 Columbian
P. 186
CD from the moment you were placed 1n our arms rt
was love at first s1ght You completed our family
2 and you hove brought us so much ;oy Be strong
In your n th nd follow your dreams Always
remember Jesus 1s nght bes1de you We love you
_c and Will always be here for you
Love, Mom and Do
L_ "Love s pot1ent. love 1s kmd It does not envy If does not
boost If tS not proud It does not dtshonor others 1t IS
0 not self-seektng. t1 s not easily angered rt keeps no
(f) records of wrongs Love does not deflgh n evt but
re 01ces wrtn tho truth If o ways protects always trusts
always hopes a ways perseveres Love never fa ,s
But where there ore prophec1es they will cease. where
there ore tongues they wtll be stilted where there ts
know, edge tf will pass OIIVOY •
1 Cornthons 1348