Page 212 - 2017 Columbian
P. 212



                                           We may not corry you now 1n our arms  but we will
          Cf)                              forever corry you tn our hearts  No mottor where you go
          (})                              or how successful you become, never lose s1ght of
                                           yourself Always be humble Always mont  n your
          E                                yourse f A ways remember that you ore br  ver than you
                                           ntegrtfy Alw  ys stnve for wsaom  Alw  ys cho enge
                                           be eva stronger than you seem  and smarter than you
          0                                person could hope to become 1n a llfetJmo  Throughout
                                           th1nk  You ore already more wet-rounded than any
        )                                  your life,  you' hove only g1ven us re  sons to hold our
                                           heads htgh wrth pncJe  The nroudest moments for us ore
                                           when we tell others you our son  'rou ore toved more
                                           than you  ever know Congrotu ot1onst We love you

                                                                     Lave  Mom and Dod
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