Page 299 - 2017 Columbian
P. 299


                                                                     Hannah Hornberger
                              "Yearbook gave me a newfound
                              sense of RESPONSIBILITY, along with     Jacqueline Batzel/
                              great times and the world's scariest      Kaiden Barker
                              cool teacher. #McVompire"
                                                The Tyson Ellis (72)    Dayton Hunter
                                                                    Nathaniel Betancourt
                                                                       Ashley Johnston
                                     "Yearbook has taught me           James Bleakley
                                   that deadlines ore as     as         Katherine Lee
                                     the friendships I've mode."
                                                                       Gilberta Bolanos
                                                                        Joshua Lewis
                                                                      Brannon Bolkosky
                            "Being in  yearbook has taught
                            me a lot.  It felt like having a             Sarah Lewis
                                  job with a lot of                     Tristan Cason
                            responsibility. "                          Carson Candler
                                                                      Zachary Maranto
                                                                        Christian Davis
                                   "Yearbook proved to be a
                                   bigger            than               Robert Mazza
                                   expected. It's by for my              Sarah Dicks
                                   hardest class,  but also my
                                   favorite class. "                  Tanner McDaniel
                                                   1 nore;,v1 1 l..,)   Jaden Erikson
                                                                         Kelsey Mott
                                                                           Tyson Ellis
                                                                         Tyler Nehring
                                                                       Spencer Gainey
                                                                      Mayci Newcomb
                                                                        Sarah Garbett
                                                                         Kylie Parrish
                                                                      Benjamin Gilliam
                                                                  Madison-Rose Patterson
                                                                        Daniel Rende/
                                                                         Sarah Griffin
                                                                        Grace Roberts
                                                                        Brittany Helms
                                                                       Hannah Hetrick
                                                                       Gabriella Shallar
                                                                      Amanda Hillyard
                                                                      Jordyn Thoreson
                                                                       Loegan Hingson
                                                                       Cameron Vining
                                                                    Hunter Hollingsworth
                                                                     Autumn Williamson
                                                                        Lauren Wilson
                                                                          Alyssa Witt
                                                                      Tre'Vontae Clark
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