Page 319 - 2017 Columbian
P. 319

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                                                 "Go back in time and not hit my
                                                 toe on an arena and dislocate it. "
                                                 Walter Matthews (9)

                                 Jurnee Luke (11)
               "Go back to the 1950's to impact
                     the Civil Rights movement. "

   Shepard,  Karissa  20                  Smith,  Kendra  100,  150,  151
   Sheppard, Andre'  100.  154            Smith,  Madison  90
   Sheppard, Andreana  100,  154          Smith,  Nicholas  128,  144,  149
   Sheppard, Jamaceha  58,  81            Smith,  Nyesha  82
   Sheppard, Jordan  62,  63,  81,  166   Smith,  Orion  90,  140,  142
   Sheppard, Nigeria  20,  100,  171      Smith, Shay/a  10 1
   Sheppard, N'ya  92                     Snider, Amy  72
   Sheppard,  Troy'lisha  132             Snow, Amber  82,  144
   Sheppard,  Tyrone  18,  19,  128       Snow,  Leah  100                                          "Palm Beach. It
   Sherwood, Alexis  100                  Sodders, Alyssa  90,  298                                 has cute malls. "
   Sherwood, Dylan  66,  100,  143        Solomon, Jeremy  104,  128
   Shidner, Ashley  72,  140              Sowell,  Kel'vaun  63,  90
   Shidner. Jacob  72                     Sowell,  Raekwaan  4,  100,  149,  150,   Racaira Fulton (11)
   Shipp, John  82                        151,  169
   Shiver, Jesse  49,  128                Spell,  Rhonda  72                                "Spain,
   Shiver,  William  82                   Spicer, Deanna  90                         because that
   Shoup,  Hunter  56,  64,  82,  138,  141,   Spitzer,  Crystal  72                   is where my
   144,  147                              Spradley, Brooke  58,  90                          family
   Shoup, Shelli  28,  51,  69,  72,  102,  289   Spradley, Zachary  90                originates
   Sikes,  Logan  64,  90,  164           Staats,  Douglas  82,  161                        from."
   Sikorski,  Megan  128,  137            Stafford, Elisabeth  82,  145
   Sikorski,  Sabrina  82,  148           Stalvey, Austin  128
   Silcox,  Elaina  30,  31, 42,  49,  128   Stalvey,  Taylor  77,  82,  144,  145
  Silcox,  Hunter  82,  145,  149,  150   Stanley, Logan  91.  141,  306
   Silva,  Brooke  32,  33,  128,  137,  139   Stanton, Jessica  72,  141.  159
  Silva,  Rebecca  99,  150,  151         Stanton-Greene, Dakota  82,  145
  Silverstein, Janet  72,  158            Starling,  Candace  72
   Simmons,  Boaz  19,  128               Starling,  Kristah  56,  57.  100
   Simmons,  Christopher  82              Starling,  Lindsey  58,  91,  138,  140,
   Simmons,  Kadeyshia  100,  SIDE C!F    141.  167
   Simmons,  Prince  132                  Starner,  Daniel  82,  149
   Simon,  Nathan  49,  90,  141          Starnes,  Patricia  145
   Sisson,  Matthew  90                   Staten, Megan  32,  91,  143
   S/anker, Seth  82,  144                Statham. Carrie  132
   Slater,  Haden  32,  82,  138,  142    Steck, Nichole  82,  150
   Slavik-Wagner,  Cheyenne  90           Steele, De'borah  128,  141,  143,  146
  Sloan,  Coach  56                       Steele, Kenneth  132
  Sloan,  Madelynn  90,  151              Steele, Mitchell  82,  151
   Smith,  Alexis  82                     Stefansen, Scott  145,  158
  Smith,  Anthony  56,  90                Steinruck,  Clayton  53,  100,  139,  164
  Smith,  Brandon  101                    Ste-Marie, Dallas  20,  128,  139,  150,  170,
  Smith,  Brittny  82,  145                 171,311
  Smith,  Celia  90,  301                 Stengel, Gabriel  91,  316
  Smith,  Chandler  32,  90               Stephens, Brooke  91,  136
  Smith,  David  101                      Stephens, Garrett  82,  138,  144,  147,
  Smith,  Davon  90                       150,  169
  Smith, Jasmie  100                      Stephens, Hanna  30,  100,  149
   Smith,  Johnathan  100                 Stephens, Jake  128,  240
  Smith, Jordan  41, 56, 82               Stephens, Jessica  92
  Smith,  Kaitlynn  82,  148              Stephens, Joseph  128
  Smith,  Kaleb  90                       Stephens, Neikara  49,  91,  138,  142,  164
  Smith,  Keelie  90,  165                Stephenson, Bryce  100,  145
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