Page 72 - 2018 Columbian
P. 72
What IS he we rd Gage Register (10) Tyson Howell (9) Jeremiah Erickson (10)
th ng that t>as Vv pr
happened to you J d y, n Th1rd grade I tned o
wh le pla}'lng JUmp ng ortr>e bal another player ana
soccer'> and he pul ed my I umped up for the kiCk the bal and
pants down to 'Tly ball and he put me 1n rT'Issed, endmQ_ up
knees." a choke hold • on the ground
1. rcos Medina-Rodrig ez
(9) sh1eld1ng the ball so the
other team doesn't get it. 2. T ey
Hing n (9) div1ng for the ball to
kick rt out of bounds. 3. Kody
Packard (10) runmng to the ball •
that was passed to him. 4.
Aaron Dicks (9) passes the ball
to Ang I Ga rl 1-P rez (9). 5.
Tra D''".ks 9 running down
the s1deline go1ng towards the
goal. 6. Colb 5 kland 9
caught the ball after the other
team !ned to score and looking
for someone to give it to.
.-• ..._ ___ _.....,.e
"Myfamlyandlgo -ex. Rr.adhouseand
after we are done eat1ng 1 go ll. a teammates
house and hang out."