Page 86 - 2018 Columbian
P. 86
Dara Gaylard (11)
My favo •rote part of a home
game IS th-t I get to look up
1n the stands and see all of
my fnends support1ng our
team. I love the atmosphere
that we have at our school
because Columb1a knows
how to support the1r sports
Lauren Hutcherson (11)
r y • ru nmg 1lt n
ht: " d o he wng Br o~g
Ern Out" 1t really
pumps my team and I up and
makes us feel Ike a family,
we are a lm together •
SK Lewis (12)
Wha l'"'laKf" h ne qames so,., tv m.. f unter Shoup
announc•ng. Words could
never descr be the amount of
energy hiS vetce bnngs to our
~ld and he always fires the
team up I alSO love our fans..
we have sucn passtonate fans
and they make mghts under
the hghts unforgettable •