Page 93 - 2018 Columbian
P. 93

O'Sullivan  (9),  1n  mid-wmdmill,  delivers  a  strike  to  the
                                                                  plate.  2.   ch  Ke  ley gives the team  a pep talk prior to the game.
                                                                  3.  Catcher  Taylor  Williamson  (1   patiently  waiting  for  the  next
                                                                  pitch. 4.   I    (9), #4, warms up 1n  the outfield by throwing
                                                                  w1th  her  partner.  5.      , #42,  prepares  to  field  a
                                                                  ground ball while playmg second base. 6.   dason  T  dd  r (9  , #21,
                                                                  throws the  ball  1n  from  left field.  7.   M   n o (9 , #1,  gets
                                                                  ready to h1t.

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