Page 15 - 1901 Pinakidia
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Faculty and Officers of Administration.
\\" F YOCC\l, .\ .:\l. , D. D., l'Rr:~mi,:>T, and Director of the Experiment Station.
F. E. H.\RRIS, :\IEIXII.LE C :\1.\RIOX, B L.
Seaetary of the Roartl of Trustees I Ex·Officw . PrincqMI of the Preparatory ~dwol.
II. IIOR.\CE HUME, M .. R '\ II \I> I.E\" \1. ,\ccb.
Professor of Biology and I !orttculture. Instructor in Bookkl'cping, lommcrcial, <..'ummerc.·t.ll
Arithmrtic .ll1d Penman~hip.
C.\'. \VAl"GII, M .• \ .,
!'rufcssorof Philosophy and L·ttin. IL\RilY CROO:\l, B.S,
It strud<lr 111 1\lrch.unr \rts and Dmwittg.
:\1.\R\" T.A\\! :\IcCLI:\'TOCK, A.B.,
:1!.\RJ.\ jl"ST.\ A'\.\ Dg FH~l"EIW.\,
Professor of Engltsh and l11stor)·.
lu~tructor in '"'pan ish aud French.
Professor of Agriculture. BESSIE C. lhSII.\ ,
H. A. GOSSARD, :\f.S., In~tnu.~tor in ~teuogr phy, Typey,ritiug- and Tele~-:raph)'
Professor of Zoology and Entomology.
.\l'Cl'ST.\ E. B.\RXES .. \ .B.,
ROBERT 1 •. BORGER, .\ .B, A"'stsl till 111 Preparatory ~ lwol.
Profe$sor of 1\rathciuatics.
CEORCI.\ L. YOCl':\1 , .\ .B ..
~ . H . COX, B.S.,
Assistant iu Biology.
Professor of !\1echanic Art~ nncl Drawing.
H. K . .:.tiLLER, :\1 S., JOIIX :\1. \"Ol'NC, B S
ln!';tructor in Physic! awl Elct.·trJcit.'.
Professor of Chemistry.
A . \\'. BLAIR, A.M. .\1. .\L \\'A:\! BOLT,
Instructor iu Cht mistry. Instructor in Elocution.