Page 66 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 66

HIS nece~'ary adJunct  to  eYery  fir~t class  institution  of learning,  "The  Students'  Christian
                                    Association,  ' came into the college early in its history.
                                         Mrs.  Kern,  the wife  of the  President, organized  it  some  eleYcn  years  ago.  She  was
                                    succeeded by :O.Irs.  Doctor Yocum, who in tum was succeeded by Professor C.  \'. \\'augh with
                                    the aid of that noble christian  woman,  Mrs.  Professor  H .  K . Ingram.  All  greatly  deplored
                                    her failiug health and retiremeut  from  college.  .\!iss  McClintock has  since  nobly  filled  her
                                    place.  Professors :O.IcClintock and \\'augh are generally present at the meetiugs.  The object
                      of  the .\ssot·iation is  to  help Christian students in  their  spiritual life, and to  train  them for  acti1·e service  in the
                      church  militaut, where  cousecrated, educated  mln  and  women are so  much  needed.  Here  the spirit  of acti1·e
                      Clu istianity is infused  into the soul,., of our young men and women.
                           The ,\ssociation wields a  helpful  influence  on  the  student hody.  The strongest  men  of the  college  are
                      workers in the .\ssociation
                           Meetings are held e1·en· SundaY eYening from six to seven o'clock.
                           The prL.,;ent officers arc ·  President, R.  ll. Rowe;  &crctary,  L. T  Patillo;  Treasurer and Librarian,  J. H.
                           X  ell'  students coming to college may look out for  S. C .• \. men  who take  pleasure in doing the many littlt:
                      things :-.o  helpful to new students.
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