Page 7 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 7


                         0  that gracious lady,  who, through our school  year~. has  admonished  us  to dot our i's and noss our  /'s;
                           who has drilled into our finger tips whaten~r of the Quetcn 's English thes'" pagb may contain, and out of
                           them many of the ''breaks'' that otherwise would have been included;  to her who, with tird'"ss patience
                           and scrupulous  care,  has  forwarded our every worthy endeavor,  this record  of our doings, about  some
                    of which we consulted  her  and  secured  her  approval  before  their  performance,  and  about  some of which  we
                    took good care not to consult her bcforehand-thi  whole story, for the first time openly confessed, of dutit's done
                    and of duties shirked, of pranks repented of and of pranks unrepented of-our entire history of g-ood  and  had, tht'
                    Junior Class affectionatdy dedicates  to  :\fiss :\lcClintock.  The good, we know,  will  gain  her  conted approha
                    tion;  the bad,  we trust, will  be  judg'"d bv our friends with  a  discrimination  and  wisdom  like  hers,  which  has
                    many times r~traiued us from  worse.
                                                 MARY  LAW  McCLINTOCK

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