Page 103 - 1949 Tomahawk
P. 103

GI  {L'S                     S  K E  T         B     L  I

                  Left  to  .iight:           ;.:ar2'aret  Par:e ,  J..:noc;cne  Loon,  Joyr..;e
         Terrell,  Geo~ga kB9               rlour,{s,  VirgiYlia  nu'33ey,  HA.r-r~tt  "J,ry,
         Sylvia  Vert~n~sian,               ~lara Mac  Vaughn,  Sara  Lee  I·orter ,
         and  ~rs.  Blanchard,  coa(~'r-).

                  Left:        Ji r gin ia  bU3SeJ ,
         best  all  around  at~lete.

                  rlight :      Sylvia  Vertanestan,
          best  athlete.

                       Joyc.:.  rrerrell,                                      Harf•iett  r!·ry,
            second  best  a~l  around  athlete.                       second  best  athlete.
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108