Page 171 - 1962 Tomahawk
P. 171

Compliments                                                  Compliments

                         or                                                            of

       PHILLIP  PICKEN'S  AGENCY                                         ALTA'S  FLOWER  SHOP

      Insurance  and  Real  Estate

        20  West  DeSota  Street                                        For  all  Occasion's

                                                                         Wedding  - Funeral
               Phone  752-5790

                                                                             Phone  752-0855

   LAKE  CITY                        FLORIDA                       LAKE  CITY                        FLORIDA

   OBERTSON  ELECTRIC  MOTOR  'ilORK                                          Compliments

        We  repair  and  rebuild                                                      or

          all make  and  sizes
                                                                           Plymouth  Oealer

         ot  electric motors.

        All  sizes  or  V-Belts.

          Industrial wiring.

        30  years  experience.

            24  hour  service.

     H.  H.  Robertson,  Manager                                      H.  D.  Sparks,  Owner

              1820  E.  Duval

   LAKE  CITY                      FLORIDA                    Lake  City                               Florida
   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176