Page 15 - 1967 Tomahawk
P. 15

~ .  c.  o.  Houston

                                                    Princi p:1l


         Ti me ,  a  small  word,  but  four  l et ters  that  regulates  our  entire  1~ves  -1967
          ·r.  time.    This  year  reoresents  the  completion  of  the  first  j0urney  on  the
         Hi  hway  of  Life  and  you  are  now  preparing  for  another,  perhaps  even  ~reater
         j ~urney. We,  at  Fort  White,  have  endeavored  to  equip you  with  the  necessarJ
         tools  to  succeed  in  your  comi ng  travels.              We  ~ow  that  many  obstacles,
         detours  and  ruts  lie  ahead  of  you.  You  have  reached  a  for~ in  the  road;  the
         branch  .you  ch0ose  will  determine  your  ultimate  success.  We  are  confident
         that  you  will  not  fall  by  the  wayside,  that  you  will bring  your  journey  to
         a  successful  completion.
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