Page 15 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 15

SonioP MomoPios

       Ja•me, Nocole  and Jenmfer JUSt love spend•ng free time w1th fnends   Mano can't behave he has to eat under the b~gtop   Linda Fann~n. the ultJmate money oollector.

                                           APo Spacial

       SeniOrs were very 1nvolved dunng homecom1ng   OunlCia • one of the only t1mes he was hard at work.   Brandon was always up to oo good.  Just look at that sm1rl<

                                                              Cov. did you just throw somelh•ng on   Semors and parents. what great partners
                                                              me? asks Cody Bertram

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