Page 159 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 159
Tracy Norman warmong up Hangong out on the dug out F nends and teammates Gettong dorty on and off the foeld
Lady lndoans are on a league of theor own. Focusong on the game whole waotong to bat
The team takes a quock tome out before a game
Varsity Softball Schedule
Chiefland High School Away
Trenton High School Away
Suwannee High School Away
Lafayette County High Away
Trenton High School Home
Branford High School Away
W. Nassau High School Away
Hamilton County High Away
Bradford County Home
Aucilla High School Home
Branford High School Home
W. Nassau High School Home
Aucilla High School Away
Lafayette County High Home Bacl< Left. Coach Johnson, Jessoca Regoster, Chnstona McDonald. Jenny Staehnke. Carlee Wolson, Shannon Cottey Juhe Johnson,
Coach Coffee. Front Left Knsta Donovan. Eron Barrs, Heather Boden, Nocole Tucl<er, Nocole Saylor.
Bell High School Home