Page 177 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 177

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                                          Row one: Rebecca Vaughn. Jufie Cole. Sam Boden. Chnsta Stncldand. Kali Hunter. JessiCa Gayheart, Amanda Edenfield.  Row tv.o·
                                          Coach Tern. Amanda Adkins. undsey Keen, Ashley MaJOr, Rachel Reg1ster, l.Jndsey Avery.  Becky Mahony. JessiCa Moyer. Megan
                                          Wilson, JessiCa Cox.  Coach B Hunter.
     ChriSta Stnckland gives the batter a run for her money

     Rachel Reg1ster and a teammate warm up for the game.

                                                                                  G1rts get your gloves ready.

                                          Come on coach put me 1n, it's not as bad as rt looks

                                          JessiCa Moyer hits a foul ball. but her next hit was a slam

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