Page 198 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 198
Congratulations to the graduating class
and the return of the Ft. White High School.
Burger Xpress
Ft. White, Florida 32038
Owners: Gene & Margaret Martin
I I H & R BLOCK tax and fin~ncial serv.CM
Diana Snelgrove, E.A.
Tax and Financial Advisor
L1censed Mortgage Broker
210 NW 1st Ave H1gh Springs, FL 32655
Tel 904 454 3800 Fax 904 454 4633
dsnelgrove@hrblock com
J ~ HIt R BLOCK tax and fnancial services
Aman&S Payne
Tax and Financw Advisor
Licensed Mortgage Broker
12818 MLK Blvd. Hwy441 Alachua, FL32615
Tel904 462 3962 Fax 904 462 5241