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                       SALES ..  SERVICE - INSTALLATION


             LAMAR & DW·IGHT BOOZER                                                          # RA0635021

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                                                                    M  McCall's T.V. Sales and Service

                                                                     C     P.D.Box405       115N.W. 1stAve.
                                                                     C     High Springs, Fl.  32643
                       Cain 'Drugs                                         Ph.# 904-454-1136  Fax# 904-4544328
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                Michael Preston Pharmacist                           L     "Your Business Needed and Appreciated"

                                                                     L     Your one stop stare for Sales and Service.
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                                                                           Satellite Programming Outlet and more. Service on all brands.
        904-454-1382             High Springs,  FL 32643             s

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