Page 214 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 214

Dave  Hall's  Inc.  Residential  &  Commercial               Bridal Regrstry,
        License# CACO  57424

        Air Conditioning  and  Heating                                                                        .:Sh.awn
        -Air Conditioners
        -Heat Pumps
        -Heating Systems


                                                                            BON  Main St.
        Quality Service work at Excellent service                           High Springs, FL 32643            454-3344
        rates (guaranteed)

         Joye's Gems  & Things jewelry

         1 01  N.  7th Street

         Lake City,  FL  32055                                                     CHARLES  G.  COX,  JR.,  D.M.D.,  P.A.
         904-752-7920                                                                   1 025- 1  NORTH  MAIN  STREET
                                                                                               P.O .  BOX  742
         Diamonds,  Gold Jewlry, Clocks &                                              HIGH  SPRINGS,  FLORIDA  32643
                                                                                         TELEPHONE  (904) 454- 2665
         things, Jewelry Repair,  Stone
          setting on  Premises

                     Congratulations Brooke Espenship

                                                                         L     Columbia County Area-w1th Well, Septic,   L
                                                                         II     Power mcluded - Owner Financed Call   1\
                                                                         i\J       hi'tle.!J  cJiit~on               ,\'
                                                                         /)            ASSOCIATE                      /)
        BP  RV  Campground                                                       LENVIL H. DICKS
                                                                                LICENSED REAL ESTATE  BROKER
                                                                         L    P 0  BOX  1 • LAKE CITY, FL 32056-0001 •   L
                                                                         1\       HIGHWAY 90 WEST                    II
         Full  Hook-ups, Cable  Included                                 :V                                          N
                                                                         /)   OFFICE (904)  752-8585  MOBILE: (904) 397-3800   I)
                                                                             HOME (904)  752-5352   WATTS:  1-800.545-3501
        Jiffy Junction Convenience Store                                      LJ\ J\ 'IJ  *  tAN/J  *  LAND  *  LAND
        and  Laundry

        Phone  904-752-7421                                                                           II

        Highway 90 West
        Lake  City,  Florida

                                                                     Hwy  252
                                                                     P 0. Box 2736                     (904) 755·8885
                                                                     Lake City, FL 32056   Chris Williams   Fax  (904) 755-2386

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