Page 235 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 235

other entertainment

                                                                                       Mob drama  The Soprono1 was lhe
                                                                                       highest roled program ever shown on
                                                                                       HBO. Slor James Gandolfim won on
                                                                                       fmmy for Oulslond1ng Lead Aclor m
                                                                                       a Drama Senes.

                                                                                       Broadway's longesl-runnmg show.
                                                                                       Coh closed offer nearly 18 years and
                                                                                       a record  7,485 performances.

                                                                                       Scoltuh odor Sean Connery, slar of
                                                                                       seven James Bond films,  was
                                                                                       knighted by Queen flizabelh.

                                                                                       ftftmon lmpouihle 2 opened on
                                                                                       Memonol Day weekend and grosses
                                                                                       nearly m m1llion. Ihe mov1e went
                                                                                       on lo make over ~200 m1llion.
                                                                                       Ihu was lhe year !hal several
                                                                                       celebrity couples called 1t qUits. Alec
                                                                                       Baldwm and Kim  Basinger, Hamson
                                                                                       ford and Mel1sso Moth1son, Garth and
                                                                                       Sandy Brooks. and Dennis Quod and
                                                                                       Meg Ryan all ended theu long-term
                                                                                       mom ages.

                                                                                       Ihe yeori b1ggest mov1es were
                                                                                       Cot I ~way, flfeellhe Porenk  Whol
                                                                                       ltel Beneolh, Btg flfommo't Haute.
                                                                                       Save lhe loti Donee,  flfiu
                                                                                       Congentolily, and  Honntbol.

                                                                                       Ihe world remembers:
                                                                                       • Sir John G1elgud. best remembered
                                                                                       as  the butler in Mhur m 1981.
                                                                                       G1elgud d1ed  in May ol 96.
                                                                                       • Slor lt'or1' Ob1  Wan  Kenob1,  S1r Alec
                                                                                       Guinness died at lhe age of 86.
                                                                                       • Sieve Allen, lhe IV hosl who
                                                                                       mvented lhe lole-mghllalk show.
                                                                                       died al78.
                                                                                       • Nancy Marchand. besl known for
                                                                                       her roles  m lou 6ronl and  The
                                                                                       Soprono1 d1ed a day before her 72nd
                                                                                       • Joson Robards,  one of Hollywoodi
                                                                                       mosl respected odors, mode more
                                                                                       !han 50 films  and won lwo Academy
                                                                                       Awards, d1ed  m December.
                                                                                       • Other entertainers !hal passed
                                                                                       away !his year mcluded RIChard
                                                                                       farnsworth.  Lorelto Young, and
                                                                                       Gwen Verdon.

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