Page 96 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 96

Faculty & Staff

                                                      Teachers  from Columbia County
                                               unite together to be the first to teach at
                                               Ft.  White High School.  Not knowing what
                                               to expect, all  took a chance at something
                                               that would  prove  to be  quite  difficult.
                                               Trying  not to  be  buried  by  stress,  the
                                               teachers kept their heads above the mud
                                               and  mulch.  All  the  students,  teachers,
                                               and  staff contributed  their own  special
                                               piece  to  make  this  year  the  best  and
                                               most exc1tmg  year it could poss1b1ly be.
                                               Although  everyone knows  that it is  the
            Coach Burt looks attest papers to see how well h1s   love of teaching that keeps these great
            students performed                                                              Mrs  H1ers giVes Mr. Hatcher a lesson on fashiOn
                                               people  going,  many  will  never  realize
                                                                                            Let's hope he doesn't hsten.
                                               exactly how hard it is to keep a smile on
                                               your face.  From that we would all like to
                                               thank you  for the th1ngs  you've taught
                                               us.  It will  remam  w1th  us  in  our future.
                                               We  will  always  sketch  in  our m1nds  the
                                               most  loving  faculty  and  staff that  Ft.
                                               White could ever have.

                                               -Amber Alexander

            Mrs  Mosely looks up and says. "You better not tal<e a
            p!Ciure of me."  Of course we do 11  anyway.

                                                                                            Mrs. Tompk1ns wears many hats as she works In the
                                                                                            gUidance offiCe.  She will help out no matter whet you
                                                                                            ask her to do

                                               Mrs. Huesman IS caught show1ng off a tractor., the CHS HomecomiOQ

            Coach Fillyaw takes a m~nute out of hiS busy class to   Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Roberts carry on a senous conversa~on at the   Mr  LasSIIar looks amazed by the way a stud  nt
            get a breath of fresh alf.         vanety show                                  answers a quest1on In h1s  Environmental Science

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