Page 144 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 144

The Queen is  Crowned

                                                                    the  sportswear  was  judged  by   Meci  LeGree  and  Stephen
                                               Being  in  the  Miss
                                                                    design  and  originality for  seven   Thomas.  The  pageant was  a
                                        FWHS  Pageant was  a  stressful,
                                                                                                   huge  success.  Many  people
                                        but fun and positive experience.   points and charm, grace, and poise   came and showed their support
                                                                    for eight points. The evening gowns
                                        To be able to be in the pageant,   were  judged and five  points  were
                                        contestants had to have at least                          for  the  contestants  and  the
                                        a 2.0 GPA, no level two referrals,   awarded for design and fifteen for   school for the first  pageant in
                                                                    charm, grace, and poise.
                                                                                                  almost 30 years.
                                        and no more than three level one
                                        referrals.  The  pageant's theme   The  contestants  were:        Miss Felicia Joseph was
                                        was "Proud to be an American."   Veronica Bryant, Jessie Johnson, Ali   crowned  Miss  FWHS.   First
                                                                    Bradley,  Jessica  Porter,  Ashley
                                        The scoring went something like   Biddle,  Felicia  Joseph,  Stephanie   Runner-up  was  Jessie  Johnson.
                                        this:  teacher evaluations  were                           Second  Runner-up  was  Ali
                                        fifteen points, the talent judged   Swindell, and Michelle Smith.  The   Bradley,  and  Third  Runner-up
                                        by  artistry was  twenty  points,   host of the event was Mrs.  Deanna   was Michelle Smith.
                                                                    Law.  Ms.  laurie  Bauer  acted  as   All  the  ladies  did  an
                                        originality was seven points, and
                                                                    Mistress of Ceremonies along with   outstanding job.

               Right:  For  her sports  wear
               Jessie Johnson chose to wear
               her camouflage  just as  she
               does when she goes hunting
               with her dad.

               Far right: Jessica Porter shows
               off her skills while she does a
               dance for her talent.

                                        Above: Ms.  Bauer, Mrs.  law and   Above:  Ali  Bradley  walks
                                        Sherod  Keen  fix  some  last   down  the  runway to  model
                                        minute  things  before  the    her outfit for her interview.
                                        pageant begins.

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