Page 154 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 154
Farming into
the Future
2001-2002 Future Farmers of America
Senior chapter.
In FFA we participate in many
contests. We try to be leaders; we work
with others and the community doing
projects. We learn to cooperate and have
fun. We go to Moultrie for the Agriculture
Expo, Haines City, Florida, for the state
convention, Florida Outdoor Adventures,
Florida Leadership Adventures, and
Louisville, Kentucky, to participate in
conferences and other contests and
activities. We go all over and compete in
competitions. We participate in many
fundraisers such as selling boiled peanuts
at football games, car washes,
landscaping for the baseball feilds,
cleaning the cemetery and hosting city
wide auctions. One of the most important
things we do is Christmas parties for the
less fortunate and homeless. We mainly
help the school in any way possible. We
also collect change for the penny harvest
to help develop the Leadership Training
Center in Haines City. During conferences
we participate in activities to help
develop leadership qualities, we listen to
motivational speakers. At some
conventions you have to stay over night.
We hold contests at Sub District. At state
and national convention we elect officers.
We participate in the Columbia County
fair; we show hogs, steer and many other
animals to collect money. FFA also awards
many different scholarships.
2001-2002 Future Farmers
of America junior
Above: Mellisa Douglas, Rebecca Summers, Micheal Hudson, Troy Mosely, Matt Huesman Mrs.
Jill Husman, and Brenton Koontz chow down after a hard day at the national convention.