Page 46 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 46

Senior Prophecy

          Ba  w  n  Charles "Chuck"                                 Future career goals: I'm going to college and becoming an
          Rt. 2 Box 710                                             electrical engineer or getting my own business.
          High Springs, Fl32643                                     Your life In 10 years: I plan on having a lot of money and
          Future career goals: Survey and mapping at University of   hunting and fishing all the time. I also plan to have a family.
          Florida, get a Custom Mini Truck.                         Your life In 25 years: I want to be retired and have a Chevy Z-71.
          Your life In 10 years: Building Mini Trucks and Hunting.
          Your life In 25 years: Retired; in  bed.                  Coombs    uanne
                                                                    6947 S.W. Old Wire Rd.
          Bau     ere                                               Ft. White, Fl32038
          Rt.  9 Box 985-C                                          Future career goals: Obstetrician I  Pediatrician.
          lake City,  Fl 32024                                      Your life In 10 years: Married, finished with medical school,
          Future career goals: Become a psychologist or doctor.     and working in a profession.
          Your life In 10 years: Graduated from college with a Master's   Your life In 25 years: Married with three children, own my own
          degree in  Psychology and married.                        business, and live on my own property with house built.
          Your life In 25 years: Happily married and raising 3 kids, while
          working as a psychologist and loving it.
                                                                    Rt. 2 Box 350-01
          Bentle  Amanda                                            lake City, Fl 32024
          Rt. 1 Box 2115                                            Future career goals: Go to Santa Fe Community College for
          Ft. White, Fl32038                                        two years. Go to FSU or UF with my AA degree.
          Future career goals: I want to be a dental hygienist. I wish to   Your life In 10 years: Running my own business.
         attend University of Florida's Dental Hygienist School.    Your life In 25 years: Enter politics and be the governor of the
          Your life In 10 years: I suppose I will be happily married to   state of Florida.
          Jarrod Thomas and successfully beginning my career.
          Your life In 25 years: In  25 years I see myself as a dentist, good   Davis  Drlanna
          mother, compassionate wife, and living my life the way my   Future career goals: To be RN  I  Pediatrician.
         almighty God would want me to live.                        Your life In 10 years: I will have a husband and two kids in two
                                                                    years. I will  be an RN  working in  Pediatrics.
           a            es"    "                                    Your life In  25 years: I will still be married with my two kids.
          Future career goals: Cheese miner on the moon.
         Your life In 10 years: Running for my life from the Mafia.   Deluca  Dominic
         Your life in 25 years: Ruler of the Universe.              RR.  2 Box 3431
                                                                    lake City, Fl 32024
                                                                    Future career goals: lawyer, political figure.
          Chatmon  An  ela                                          Your life In 10 years: law school or working at law firm.
          RR.  2 Box 356                                            Your life In  25 years: Working in  big firm .
          lake City, Fl 32024
          Future career goals: Go to business school somewhere close   ~ton Shannon
                                                                    614 SW Hawthorne
          Your life In 10 years: Have a successful career.          Ft. White, Fl32038
          Your life In 25 years: Still have a successful life and career.
                                                                    Future career goals: Physical Therapy Assistant then get
                                                                    Massage certificate.
          Coker  Arthur Le                                          Your life In 10 years: living on my own.
          P.O. Box 6                                                Your life In 25 years: Married with two kids.
          Ft.White, Fl32038
          Future career goals: Business manager for a big business, then   Farkas  Bradley
          own my own business.                                      Rt.  3 Box 310-6
          Your life In 10 years: I want to have started a family and have a   lake City,  Fl32025
         good job as a business manager.                            Future career goals: Fly planes for a living whether it be
         Your life In 25 years: I want to have my own business or get  my
                                                                    service or commercial airlines.
         own business started.                                      Your life In 10 years: Just out of flying school and looking into
                                                                    buying my own plane to start my own business.
             w    Shawn                                             Your life In 25 years: living life and not wasting it.
          Rt.  3 Box 1557
          Ft. White, Fl32038                                        Flo  d  Ezra
          Future career goals: I want to major in sports medicine or   Rt. 3 Box 1936
          electrical engineering.
                                                                    Ft. White, Fl 32028
          Your life In 10 years: I want to be wealthy and have a family.   Future career goals: Pro Surfer.
          Your life In 25 years: I want to be retired.              Your life In 10 years: living by the beach.
                                                                    Your life In 25 years: Very different because of World War 3·
          Cook. Daniel
          P.O.  Box 102
          Ft. White, Fl32028

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