Page 66 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 66

jessi johnson
                   julie johnson
                  Felicia joseph
                  Heather Kelly
                Brenton Koontz

                    joseph Kyle
                 Rosemary Kyle
                 Matthew Lance
                Zachariah Lance
                   Shelley Lites

          Christopher McAdams
               Timothy McCord
            Christina McDonald
                Ryan McGuigan
                   Troy Melton

                 Meghan Milatz
                  William Miller
             Adrian Minniefield
              Alicia Minniefield
                justin Morrison

                                          Above:  Krista  Donovan,
                                          Shannon  Cottey,  and
                                          Amanda  Olson  take  a
                                          break from lunch to strike
                                          a pose.

                                          Right:  Chris  Bassetti  is
                                          another  hard-working
                                          Sophomore  trying  to
                                          make an 'A'.

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