Page 183 - 2003 Tomahawk
P. 183
Jonathan Spradlev
It ~<.'<.'Ill~ likt· ju~t ~c.-~tnda~ ~em '~crc riding~our bike and prctcnding to
ht· Daniel Boonc, hut rcalit~ i~)ott'rcdrhingandgracluatingfrom hi~rf1 chool.
You lul\c filkcl our ht·art., and lhc~ '~ ith lau~rfltcr and lmc. \\c arc ~o
proud of~ou! Rcmcmbcr, if)OU ah~a~~ put God fir~t, and ~ck hi~guidcncc,
11(1\~ill in allthin~.-,,~ou "ill ah~a~~bnucct·~.,ful.
Mom and Dad