Page 195 - 2003 Tomahawk
P. 195


                                                                                       WITH BEST WI  HES
                                                                                         AS  YOU LEAVE

                                                                                              ~,.c't  • /c

                                                            FROM FATHER TO SON: MAN- TO- MAN
                                                                   You'  ~ finaH~ rnad~ it! This is th~ tirn~ wh~n f'l"!l
                                                            to t~H ~ou how proud ~ou '  ~ rnad~ r.t~- Watching ~ou
                                                            growth~.  ~past ~~arB has lt~~n fun. I ha  ~ ~njo~~d th~
                                                            tir.t~ ~ou and I shared together and aH the time we
                                                             hared over th~ phon~.  Not alwa~B ha  ~ ~ou li  t~n~d to
                                                            r.t~ and not alwa~  ha  ~ ~ou ta~~n r.t~ ad  ic~.  But to Bt.~
                                                            ~ou now a  a ~oung rnan, I ~now ~ou  tor~d aH that
                                                            inform  tion  orn~wher~ and now it's  b~ginning to show.
                                                            AJJ~n, f'  ~ n~ ~r told ~ou if would b~ ~a ~ and I  r.t  not
                                                            about to now. l.:.if~ a  a ~oung ltlac~ rnan i·  n~ er ~  ~·
                                                            You  ha  ~ to . fa~ focu  and rna~~ lif~ what ~ou want if to
                                                            b~. A.  r alwa~B tdl ~ou  ta~ pra~erful ~our .  tr~ngth wiJJ
                                                            corn~ fror.t with - in. AJJ~n "thin~ larg~ but M  er li  ~
                                                            abo  ~ ~our r.t~an . . "Ma~ God bf~B·  ~ou in ~our car~~r
                                                            goal  .
                                                                          Your Dad,
                                                                          AJJ~n BarnarCI f3op~  r.

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