Page 70 - 2003 Tomahawk
P. 70

What Will  They See                                  Seventh Grade

          Seventh Grade, more                   in late. You  better have Mrs.     Seventh Grade, it's a new style of
          responsibility, more work, more       Neil's project ready and always    learning. The elementary school
          HEIGHT??? Lila Grachis points         remember LYCAD (Leave your         philosophies are long gone. You're a full
          out, "We're no longer the smallest!"   comments at the Door). If Mr.     year removed from those days. Matt
          We are no longer the last in line.    Thoreson is talking, you better    Howell points out, "Your teachers don't
          That's sixth grade's problem. To be   not be. Thinking about horseplay   have to like you  now." As Jake Beach
          a success in Seventh Grade you        in Coach Burt's room? Don't.       says about Seventh Grade;•  If you didn't
          need to take more responsibility      Mrs.Knighton's essays better be    pay attention last year, it really hits you".
           and do more work than ever           completed properly and stop
          before. Better have that homework     beating on the desk!

           Kirsten Gibb, and
           Jeremy Boutin
           really enjoy
           hanging out.

           Hey!  I'm Chris
           Lee. I go by
           Monkey, aren't I
                                                                 Hannah Cox looks
                                                                 forward to the FAA
                                                                 auction each year.

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