Page 118 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 118
Midd(e Schoo( Cheer(eading
A~ove: As you can see A~ove: The gir(s
t>rac+ice ~akes t>erfec+ The Midd(e Schoo( squad enjoyed riding in +he
for these Midd(e Schoo( was wonderfu( +his year. town t>arade with
gir(s. Each +i~e +hey cheered +heir coach.
+hey were fuU of st>unk
and excite~ent. They
t>ar+icit>a+ed in so~e
co~t>e+i+ions in which
+hey did very weU •
When you watch these
young (adies cheering, it
is o~vious that they (ove
to cheer. These gir(s
know that in order to ~e
A~ove: The squad a great cheer(eader you A~ove: If you want to
know what cheering is
reaUy knows how to have to keet> a s~i(e on a~ou+ co~e and watch
excite +he crowd with your face, and that's these (adies cheer.
+heir cheering. what +hey do ~est.