Page 184 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 184
Tia La'Cofe Jack§on
'Ifiere comes a time when you must stanti a[one. ')ou must fed confitient erwugfi
within yourse[f to fo[fow your own tirearns.r)ou must 6e wi[[ing to maR!-sacrifices.l)ou
must 6e capa6[e of cfianging anti rearranging your priorities so tfiat your fina[ goa[
can 6e acfiieverf. ometimes famifiarity anti comfort neeti to 6e dw[fengerf. 'Ifzere are
times when you must taKf- a few octra dwnces anti create your own reafities. 'Be
strong enougfi to at feast try to maR!- your [ije 6etter. 13e confitient erwugfi tfwt you
won't settfe for a compromise just to get 6y. 5ippreciate yourself 6y a[fowing yourse[f
the opportunities to grow, tievefop, anti finti your troe sense of purpose in [ije. 'Don't
stanti in someorze efse's sfiatiow when it's your sun[igfit tfwt sfwuftf feati tfze way.
Love .t~Iway.,
')our Loving 'Jami{y
Its 6een a fong roati anti
you fina[[y matie it.
!Always remember tfiat I
fove you very much, anti
I'm a[ ways here if you
neeti me. I consitier myself
very [ud:y to fiave founti
a gir[ [iKf_ youXOXO!
Love Jt[ways,