Page 223 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 223

Jeanenne g{ico[e Sides

                                     I am so proua of you, ana your success,  not  on[y in scfzoo[
                                  6ut  in the wor/(p[ace.  I fed conjicfent that you wi[[ ao we[[
                                  in your fije. 9i:Ju  fwve grown great[y this past year.  I  fove you.

                                                                                        I Ulant you to kfwUI tfwt if I
                                                                                     couM've pic(fa a aaughter, it wouM
                                                                                     have 6een you! I fwpe  that you wi[[
                                                                                     a[ways kfww in your fzeart  that I
                                                                                     wi[[ a[ways 6e  there for you, am[ I
                                                                                     wi[[ a[Uiays 6e your mom./ want you
                                                                                     to have a great future  -o (jO (j'E'T
                                                                                     l'T!! Love,'  -a tie

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