Page 72 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 72


               As  you start the beginning of your middle school ycaro,,  the Senior class of 2004 '' io,hco,  you good luck
           with all  of the obst.1clco,  that school brings \OU. There is  so much <.Hhicc  to gi'c vou t(>r  vour future \Caro,  at
           Fort\  hire High  chool, but .111  that \\ c can  sa~  is  \\ ork as  lurd as  \Ou can so ) ou can .KhiC\ c all  ot ) our
           goab. I  on 't let challenges get) ou d<m n, imagination is  more important tlun k.nm\ ledge, and don't S\\ cat
           the  mall  tuff. 0 h  ~ cah, ha\ c fun!
                                                                                      -Senior Class of 2004

                                                     Left : These students arc
                                                     al\\ ays  hard at "ork ..

                                                                                                       Abmc:  he
                                                                                                       lm cs  to read ..

                                                                                                       Lett : Arc the)
                                                                                                       C\ en \YOrking?

                                     Abm·e : Look out!
                                     ~1r . Arrington is
                                     helping a student.

                                    Right : We're always

                                    Lett : Mrs. Moore
                                    like  to help out.

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