Page 80 - 2004 Tomahawk
P. 80
Terri Little Metrick
To help the
students of FWHS
to succeed in their
academic growth
& provide them
with opportunities
to excel by
surpassing their
Bom:August 19,1955 in Lake City, Florida. Mrs. Metrick is a fifth generation living in Columbia ounty and related to
majority of the county. Family: Mrs. Metrick i married to Ray Metrick with three grown children: Ronnie Robin on (29)
Lake City, Kelly Robinson (26) Orlando, & Will Robin on (24) Lake City, & they have two grandchildren. Al o, he has
two grown step-daughter who live in New Yorh ity. High chool: 1973 olumbia High clwol graduate (sllipped senior
year to go to college). allege: Lahe ity Community College- Associate of Art : Univer. ity of North Florida- Bachelor of
Arts in Education, & ova outheastem University- Master. in Educational Leader. hip. Hobbie : ardening witlt lterb ,
scuba diving, gourmet coohing, fly-fi hing & hilling at our cabin in Franhlin, NC. razie t thing lte ever did wa ...
During initiation into a sorority, she ltad to wear a acll for one weell & a bone around Iter nech with NO MAKE-
UP ... while she had to beg for money & wa not allowed to explain to anyone. Also, site jumped off tlte bridge at amp
Ole no a a bet during church camp. YI KE ! ! !